Illustration blog.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Blue (Illustration Friday)


valerie walsh said...


carla said...

Hey...Val took the word right off of my keyboard!'s excellent...the stealthy cat making its retreat into the blue night. I love've really captured the motion and shape of the cat so perfectly.

Queen Tut said...

Haha, good take on blue!

Twisselman said...

Great cat! Wonderful texture in the background. Nice shading on the gato. And finally, nice, rich blues. Excellent illustration!

Twisselman said...

Great cat! Wonderful texture in the background. Nice shading on the gato. And finally, nice, rich blues. Excellent illustration!

merlinprincesse said...

My! So cute! So gorgeous! I love the motion and the way you've made the cat walk AWAY from the viewer... BTW I've not read "French for Cats" I'm going to try to find it. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Love your illo!!

Joe said...

Wow Suzy, I can almost hear her comming! Beautiful!

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