Illustration blog.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Bad Advice about Taxes

So I had this illusration/graphic design instructor that said, "Oh you can deduct photoshop and illustrator from your taxes."... "Oh you can deduct your computer", "You can deduct books you purchase as inspiration." ... "You can deduct this... you can deduct that...." Everytime anything came up throughout the semester she'd add, "Don't forget, it's tax deductible!"

Then at the end of the semester she had us all over to her house for tea. She showed us her studio, her published work, and then she showed us a painting she did of the worst year of her life. It was a painting about being audited by the IRS. She said it was the single most horrific thing she'd ever gone through.

After that I sort of threw out all of the advice she gave about deducting everything.


Dorkus Americanus said...

Thanks! I think somehow your comment got added to the wrong entry.


Dana S. Whitney said...

I was looking at the IF entries and misread this header... thought it was Bad Advice about TEXAS... which certainly can happen. Your professor's advise is appropriately ignored. There ARE lots of things you can deduct IF YOU ARE IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF... and not so many if you have an employer. Oh, and I am up at 4 am... and not stalking, either.

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