Illustration blog.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Suzy Kendall Illustrations

Here is my first Illustration Friday submission (and on a Tuesday, no less!).




ika said...

To me your illustration is so beautifully strange. Partially because of the contrast between the topic "fragile", which maybe would make people think of more subtle colors, and the richness and depth of the colors you actually used.
The wood table looks great, and the framing of your composition works perfectly to me, kind of a bird p.o.v.
Fragile like the state of mind of someone who gets lost in the observation of something, while his memory and mind travels very very far away.
Fragile also because sometimes the more we try to remember a moment, the more likely we are to make it up, in a desperate attempt to re live it again. And what we have left in the end it's only a snapshot of life, maye not even ours.
That's how I see your piece. Great illustration Suzy, and welcome to IF.


Ellie said...

Lovely feel to this... I like the table and the details...
Way to go. Welcome to IF and I look forward to viewing more of your work!

steve said...

You are an incredible painter ! It felt like walking into a 'little house on the prarie' episode. Great attention to detail !

Dorkus Americanus said...

thanks for all of the comments. I really appreciate it~!

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Suzy Kendall Illustration

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